아이템 거래소 아프리카TV YouTube 마영전 소식지(중단) 골든타임 정보 스킬AP계산기
아이템 | 게임정보
검색 :
무기 전체 소드  롱해머  듀얼소드  듀얼스피어  스태프  배틀사이드  기둥  블래스터    크로스건  듀얼블레이드  그레이트소드  배틀글레이브  롱블레이드  세트
방어구 천옷 전체  머리  가슴    다리    세트 80~71 전체  머리  가슴    다리    세트
경갑 전체  머리  가슴    다리    세트 70~61 전체  머리  가슴    다리    세트
중갑 전체  머리  가슴    다리    세트 60~51 전체  머리  가슴    다리    세트
플레이트 전체  머리  가슴    다리    세트 50미만 전체  머리  가슴    다리    세트
보조장비 전체(방패)  방패  대형방패  세트(방패)  마법서  세트(마법서)  캐스틀릿
액세서리 전체   귀걸이   벨트   장신구   반지   팔찌   아티팩트   목걸이   세트
소비용품 전체 포션   깃털   보조무기   키트   요리   기능포션   기타  
재료 전체 옷감   가죽   광석   특수재료   보조재료   흔적   에르그결정   강화   인챈트   정령합성   팔찌보석   기타
기타 전체 전리품   문양   기타
아이템 정보
검색 : 149개
아이콘 이름 레벨 방어력 캐릭터 옵션 비고
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2682','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">미지의 순은 팔찌
85 0 전체
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2558','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">미지의 구리 팔찌(다이아몬드.루비)
83 0 전체
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2557','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">미지의 구리 팔찌(다이아몬드.사파이어)
83 0 전체
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2559','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">미지의 구리 팔찌(다이아몬드.에메랄드)
83 0 전체
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2562','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">미지의 구리 팔찌(루비.에메랄드)
83 0 전체
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2560','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">미지의 구리 팔찌(사파이어.루비)
83 0 전체
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2561','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">미지의 구리 팔찌(사파이어.에메랄드)
83 0 전체
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2544','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">미지의 가죽 팔찌(다이아몬드)
80 0 전체
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2541','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">미지의 가죽 팔찌(루비)
80 0 전체
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2542','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">미지의 가죽 팔찌(사파이어)
80 0 전체
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2543','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">미지의 가죽 팔찌(에메랄드)
80 0 전체
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','107','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">블랙펄 이어링
80 0 전체 민첩 17, 지능 120
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','106','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">심해의 괴인
80 0 전체 힘 70, 민첩 70, 지능 130, 의지 70, 생명력 100
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','595','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">아메지스트 벨트
80 0 전체 민첩 90, 지능 120, 의지 90
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','105','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">초승달의 선고
80 0 전체 힘 130, 민첩 70, 지능 70, 의지 70, 생명력 100
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','594','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">페리도트 벨트
80 0 전체 힘 120, 민첩 90, 의지 90
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','108','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">해적의 이어링
80 0 전체 힘 85, 민첩 20, 지능 5, 의지 32, 스테미나 2
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','516','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 황제의 귀걸이
80 0 전체 PvP공격력 600, PvP마법공격력 600, 힘 60, 지능 84
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','521','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 황제의 벨트
80 0 전체 PvP공격력 150, PvP마법공격력 150, PvP방어력 270, 힘 100, 지능 70
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','507','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 황제의 수호 반지
80 0 전체 PvP방어력 360, 힘 91, 지능 91
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','526','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 황제의 장신구
80 0 전체 PvP공격력 300, PvP마법공격력 300, PvP방어력 180, 힘 40, 지능 54
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','506','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 황제의 진군 반지
80 0 전체 PvP공격력 450, PvP마법공격력 450, PvP방어력 90, 힘 91, 지능 91
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','517','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 왕의 귀걸이
75 0 전체 PvP공격력 520, PvP마법공격력 520, 힘 50, 지능 72
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','522','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 왕의 벨트
75 0 전체 PvP공격력 130, PvP마법공격력 130, PvP방어력 240, 힘 87, 지능 62
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','509','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 왕의 수호 반지
75 0 전체 PvP방어력 320, 힘 87, 지능 87
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','527','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 왕의 장신구
75 0 전체 PvP공격력 260, PvP마법공격력 260, PvP방어력 160, 힘 35, 지능 47
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','508','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 왕의 진군 반지
75 0 전체 PvP공격력 390, PvP마법공격력 390, PvP방어력 80, 힘 87, 지능 87
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','72','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">달빛 사파이어 브로치
70 0 전체 공격속도 -1, 힘 41, 민첩 37, 지능 41, 의지 36, 크리티컬 -1
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','593','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">루비 벨트
70 0 전체 민첩 80, 지능 95, 의지 80
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','101','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">모나르카 장미고리
70 0 전체 힘 55, 민첩 35, 지능 75, 의지 35
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','104','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">번개의 각인
70 0 전체 힘 120, 민첩 60, 지능 60, 의지 60
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2424','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">아데니움 반지
70 0 전체 힘 65, 민첩 35, 지능 35, 의지 12
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','644','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">에르그 코어 브로치
70 200 전체 힘 30, 민첩 30, 지능 30, 의지 30, 밸런스 -1
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','592','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">에메랄드 벨트
70 0 전체 힘 95, 민첩 80, 의지 80
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','103','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">초승달빛 반지
70 0 전체 힘 60, 민첩 60, 지능 120, 의지 60
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','102','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">키에루 장미고리
70 0 전체 힘 65, 민첩 35, 지능 35, 의지 12
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','518','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 여왕의 귀걸이
70 0 전체 PvP공격력 440, PvP마법공격력 440, 힘 42, 지능 61
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','523','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 여왕의 벨트
70 0 전체 PvP공격력 110, PvP마법공격력 110, PvP방어력 210, 힘 74, 지능 54
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','511','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 여왕의 수호 반지
70 0 전체 PvP방어력 280, 힘 84, 지능 84
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','528','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 여왕의 장신구
70 0 전체 PvP공격력 220, PvP마법공격력 220, PvP방어력 140, 힘 30, 지능 41
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','510','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 여왕의 진군 반지
70 0 전체 PvP공격력 330, PvP마법공격력 330, PvP방어력 70, 힘 84, 지능 84
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','519','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 성곽의 귀걸이
65 0 전체 PvP공격력 360, PvP마법공격력 360, 힘 38, 지능 51
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','524','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 성곽의 벨트
65 0 전체 PvP공격력 90, PvP마법공격력 90, PvP방어력 180, 힘 61, 지능 46
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','513','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 성곽의 수호 반지
65 0 전체 PvP방어력 240, 힘 60, 지능 67
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','529','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 성곽의 장신구
65 0 전체 PvP공격력 180, PvP마법공격력 180, PvP방어력 120, 힘 25, 지능 34
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','512','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 성곽의 진군 반지
65 0 전체 PvP공격력 270, PvP마법공격력 270, PvP방어력 60, 힘 60, 지능 67
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','360','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">부서진 깃털 이어링
60 0 이비 민첩 20, 지능 105, 의지 33
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','302','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">단단한 토르 가죽벨트
60 0 전체 힘 56, 민첩 31, 지능 54, 의지 42
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','301','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">영혼의 인사
60 0 전체 힘 47, 민첩 21, 지능 67, 의지 25
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','268','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">노을을 닮은 반지
60 0 전체 힘 49, 민첩 32, 지능 49, 의지 30
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2665','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">마나의 눈
60 0 아리샤 민첩 20, 지능 105, 의지 33
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','234','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">마수의 가죽 벨트
60 0 전체 힘 68, 민첩 49, 지능 66, 의지 60
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','99','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">모나르카 풀잎고리
60 0 전체 힘 50, 민첩 30, 지능 70, 의지 30
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','271','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">무지개 허리띠
60 0 전체 힘 3, 민첩 3, 지능 71, 의지 3
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','269','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">바다를 안은 반지
60 100 전체 힘 40, 민첩 40, 지능 40, 의지 40
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','267','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">방패 모양 배지
60 0 전체 힘 71, 민첩 3, 지능 3, 의지 3
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','505','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">지배자의 마법반지
60 0 전체 힘 50, 민첩 30, 지능 70, 의지 30
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','504','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">지배자의 반지
60 0 전체 힘 35, 지능 47, 의지 35
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','503','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">지배자의 브로치
60 0 전체 힘 25, 민첩 25, 지능 25, 의지 25
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','100','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">키에루 풀잎고리
60 0 전체 힘 50, 민첩 35, 지능 47, 의지 35
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','270','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">태양과 같은 반지
60 0 전체 힘 28, 민첩 32, 지능 70, 의지 30, 크리티컬저항 5
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','520','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 주교의 귀걸이
60 0 전체 PvP공격력 280, PvP마법공격력 280, 힘 32, 지능 41
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','525','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 주교의 벨트
60 0 전체 PvP공격력 70, PvP마법공격력 70, PvP방어력 150, 힘 48, 지능 38
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','515','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 주교의 수호 반지
60 0 전체 PvP방어력 200, 힘 35, 지능 49
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','530','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 주교의 장신구
60 0 전체 PvP공격력 140, PvP마법공격력 140, PvP방어력 100, 힘 20, 지능 27
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','514','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP) 주교의 진군 반지
60 0 전체 PvP공격력 210, PvP마법공격력 210, PvP방어력 50, 힘 35, 지능 49
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1933','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">코메스 고리
55 0 전체 힘 30, 민첩 30, 지능 40, 의지 30
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1934','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">퀴시아 고리
55 0 전체 힘 40, 민첩 20, 지능 20, 의지 30
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','484','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">질긴 우르쿨 가죽 벨트
54 0 전체 힘 46, 민첩 24, 지능 44, 의지 27
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','432','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">유혹의 이어링
54 0 이비 민첩 17, 지능 98
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','481','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">예티 가죽 벨트
52 0 전체 힘 69, 의지 30
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','479','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">궁수의 반지
52 0 카이 힘 32, 민첩 24, 의지 30
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','480','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">궁수의 징표
52 0 카이 힘 24, 민첩 26, 지능 10, 의지 30
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','478','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">고대 힘의 징표
52 0 카록
힘 20, 민첩 20, 지능 20, 의지 26
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','477','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">현자의 속삭임
52 0 카록
힘 38, 민첩 14, 의지 48
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','475','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">영혼술사의 반지
52 0 이비
민첩 20, 지능 56, 의지 20
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','476','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">영혼술사의 징표
52 0 이비 힘 20, 민첩 23, 지능 30, 의지 23
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','473','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">기사의 반지
52 0 피오나 힘 30, 민첩 14, 의지 48
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','474','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">기사의 징표
52 0 피오나 힘 20, 민첩 20, 지능 20, 의지 26
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','471','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">전사의 반지
52 0 리시타
힘 38, 민첩 44, 의지 10
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','472','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">전사의 용기
52 0 리시타
힘 20, 민첩 26, 지능 20, 의지 20
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2654','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">마나의 그릇
52 0 아리샤 힘 20, 민첩 23, 지능 30, 의지 23
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1935','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">생도의 반지
52 0 전체 힘 28, 민첩 30, 지능 28
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','483','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">로체스트 마법사 길드 인장
50 0 전체 힘 44, 민첩 17, 지능 64, 의지 20
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1938','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">도망자의 마법반지
50 0 전체 지능 60, 크리티컬저항 5, 생명력 100
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1939','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">도망자의 반지
50 0 전체 힘 20, 민첩 45, 지능 20, 의지 45
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1936','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">선장의 은반지
50 0 전체 힘 22, 민첩 49, 지능 22, 의지 49
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1963','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">질투가 서린 벨트
50 0 전체 의지 45
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1937','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">키루 은고리
50 0 전체 지능 60, 크리티컬저항 5, 생명력 100
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2616','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP)기사의 귀걸이
50 0 전체 PvP공격력 200, PvP마법공격력 200, 힘 26, 지능 31
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2615','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP)기사의 벨트
50 0 전체 PvP공격력 50, PvP마법공격력 50, PvP방어력 120, 힘 35, 지능 30
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2612','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP)기사의 수호 반지
50 0 전체 PvP방어력 160, 힘 30, 지능 39
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2614','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP)기사의 장신구
50 0 전체 PvP공격력 100, PvP마법공격력 100, PvP방어력 80, 힘 15, 지능 20
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2613','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP)기사의 진군 반지
50 0 전체 PvP공격력 150, PvP마법공격력 150, PvP방어력 40, 힘 30, 지능 39
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1964','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">곰가죽 허리띠
48 0 전체 힘 32, 민첩 14, 지능 15, 의지 19
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','482','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">사르가뮤 코걸이
48 0 전체 힘 63, 의지 17
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2666','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">얼음 사냥꾼의 피어싱
48 0 전체 힘 7, 민첩 42, 지능 72, 의지 2
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1940','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">추적자의 고리
46 0 전체 힘 7, 민첩 33, 의지 25
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','609','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">고대 수정
44 0 전체 공격력 85, 마법공격력 95, 힘 19, 민첩 19, 지능 19, 의지 19
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1941','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">후발대의 반지
42 0 전체 민첩 25, 지능 19
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1943','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">선장의 구리반지
40 0 전체 힘 10, 민첩 10, 지능 35, 의지 30
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1946','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">키루 구리고리
40 0 전체 힘 35, 민첩 10, 지능 10, 의지 30
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1944','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">탐험가의 마법반지
40 0 전체 힘 10, 민첩 10, 지능 35, 의지 30
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1945','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">탐험가의 반지
40 0 전체 힘 35, 민첩 10, 지능 10, 의지 30
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1942','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">희망이 서린 반지
40 0 전체 힘 30
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1965','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">희망이 서린 벨트
40 0 전체 힘 33
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2621','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP)병사의 귀걸이
40 0 전체 PvP공격력 120, PvP마법공격력 120, 힘 20, 지능 21
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2620','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP)병사의 벨트
40 0 전체 PvP공격력 30, PvP마법공격력 30, PvP방어력 90, 힘 23, 지능 22
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2617','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP)병사의 수호 반지
40 0 전체 PvP방어력 120, 힘 25, 지능 25
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2619','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP)병사의 장신구
40 0 전체 PvP공격력 60, PvP마법공격력 60, PvP방어력 60, 힘 10, 지능 14
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2618','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP)병사의 진군 반지
40 0 전체 PvP공격력 90, PvP마법공격력 90, PvP방어력 30, 힘 25, 지능 25
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','501','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">가시 반지
37 0 이비
민첩 17, 지능 72
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','499','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">보호의 반지
36 194 전체
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1966','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">우울함이 서린 벨트
35 0 전체 지능 27
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1948','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">싱글샷의 반지
34 0 전체 민첩 52
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1947','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">정찰자의 인장
34 0 전체 민첩 33, 지능 10, 의지 22
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1967','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">뱀피릭 엠브레스
32 0 전체 힘 22, 지능 20
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1949','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">여덟 다리의 고리
32 0 전체 힘 16, 민첩 18, 지능 17
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','500','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">초원의 반지
32 0 전체 힘 10, 민첩 10, 지능 10, 의지 10, 스테미나 15
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1950','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">뱀파이어 나이트의 인장
30 0 전체 힘 26, 지능 26
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1968','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">분노가 서린 벨트
30 0 전체 의지 25
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1951','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">세이렌 은반지
30 0 전체 힘 30, 민첩 10, 지능 10, 의지 15
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1952','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">허무의 반지
25 0 전체 힘 17, 민첩 17, 의지 17
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1954','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">오래된 묘안석 반지
24 0 전체 힘 23, 의지 23
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1953','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">진흙 반지
24 0 전체 힘 9, 민첩 16, 의지 15
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1955','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">야성의 반지
20 0 전체 생명력 105
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1957','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">녹슨 구리 반지
20 0 전체 힘 20, 민첩 5, 지능 5, 의지 10, 생명력 10
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1958','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">세이렌 구리반지
20 0 전체 힘 20, 민첩 5, 지능 5, 의지 10, 생명력 10
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','502','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">앨리스의 징표
20 0 전체 힘 5, 민첩 5, 지능 5, 의지 10
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1956','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">우정의 반지
20 0 전체 힘 3, 민첩 3, 지능 35, 의지 30
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1969','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">즐거움이 서린 벨트
20 0 전체 힘 17
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1970','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">붉은 전사의 벨트
17 0 전체 힘 12, 의지 3
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1971','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">기쁨이 서린 벨트
15 0 전체 힘 7
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1959','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">즐거움이 서린 반지
15 0 전체 힘 15
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1960','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">공작석 반지
14 0 전체 지능 25
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1650','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">약속의 브로치
7 0 전체 힘 3, 민첩 3, 지능 3, 의지 3, 생명력 100
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1651','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">약속의 반지
6 0 전체 힘 4, 민첩 4, 지능 6, 의지 4
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1962','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">새벽의 반지
4 0 이비
민첩 6, 지능 8, 스테미나 10
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1972','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">가식이 서린 벨트
2 0 전체 의지 1
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','560','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">신기루가 담긴 주머니
1 0 전체
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','563','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">불꽃 위습이 담긴 수정
0 0 전체
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','561','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">불사조의 깃털 뭉치
0 0 전체
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','556','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">서큐버스의 송곳니
0 0 전체
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','555','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">웨어울프의 앞발
0 0 전체
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','559','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">의문의 고양이 조각상
0 0 전체
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','557','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">전쟁 여신의 조각상
0 0 전체
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','558','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">청동 사자 조각상
0 0 전체
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','421','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">칼브람 목걸이
0 0 전체 힘 3, 민첩 16, 지능 3, 의지 3
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','562','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">코볼트의 태엽 인형
0 0 전체



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