아이템 정보
검색 : 22개 |
아이콘 |
이름 |
레벨 |
방어력 |
캐릭터 |
옵션 |
비고 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1351','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">마제스트 소프트 팬츠
(경갑) |
70 |
444 |
이비 아리샤 |
민첩 16, 지능 140, 의지 34, 크리티컬저항 10 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1346','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">마제스트 레더 팬츠
(경갑) |
70 |
634 |
피오나 벨라 린 |
힘 119, 민첩 24, 의지 34, 크리티컬저항 10 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1341','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">마제스트 팬츠
(플레이트) |
70 |
734 |
리시타 카록 카이 허크 |
힘 114, 민첩 24, 의지 34, 크리티컬저항 10 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','567','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">챔피언 소프트 팬츠
(경갑) |
70 |
412 |
이비 아리샤 |
힘 10, 민첩 30, 지능 145, 의지 35, 크리티컬저항 8, 스테미나 6 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','577','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">챔피언 레더 팬츠
(경갑) |
70 |
536 |
피오나 벨라 린 |
힘 109, 민첩 41, 의지 35, 크리티컬저항 10, 스테미나 6 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','572','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">챔피언 팬츠
(경갑) |
70 |
536 |
리시타 카록 카이 허크 |
힘 109, 민첩 41, 의지 35, 크리티컬저항 10, 스테미나 6 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','185','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">레전더리 씰 팬츠
(경갑) |
70 |
485 |
이비 아리샤 |
힘 11, 민첩 33, 지능 151, 의지 33, 크리티컬저항 12 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','180','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">레전더리 팬츠
(경갑) |
70 |
595 |
피오나 리시타 카록 카이 벨라 허크 린 |
힘 121, 민첩 46, 의지 39, 크리티컬저항 14 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','164','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">수호자의 가죽 각반
(경갑) |
70 |
554 |
이비 아리샤 |
힘 22, 민첩 36, 지능 135, 의지 28, 크리티컬저항 13 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','159','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">수호자의 비늘 각반
(경갑) |
70 |
689 |
피오나 벨라 린 |
힘 101, 민첩 45, 의지 37, 크리티컬저항 13 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','154','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">수호자의 각반
(경갑) |
70 |
689 |
리시타 카록 카이 허크 |
힘 101, 민첩 45, 의지 37, 크리티컬저항 13 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','141','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">팬텀 라이트그리브즈
(경갑) |
70 |
502 |
이비 아리샤 |
민첩 30, 지능 140, 의지 32, 크리티컬저항 9 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','136','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">팬텀 헤비그리브즈
(중갑) |
70 |
780 |
피오나 리시타 카록 카이 벨라 허크 린 |
힘 99, 민첩 9, 의지 32, 크리티컬저항 10 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','131','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">임페리얼가드 소프트그리브즈
(경갑) |
70 |
470 |
이비 아리샤 |
민첩 23, 지능 132, 의지 32, 크리티컬저항 12 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','126','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">임페리얼가드 하드그리브즈
(중갑) |
70 |
749 |
피오나 이비 벨라 린 아리샤 |
힘 109, 민첩 32, 의지 55, 크리티컬저항 14 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','121','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">로얄가드 헤비그리브즈
(중갑) |
70 |
749 |
리시타 카록 카이 허크 |
힘 109, 민첩 32, 의지 55, 크리티컬저항 14 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','116','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">로얄가드 라이트그리브즈
(경갑) |
70 |
470 |
리시타 카이 |
힘 108, 민첩 55, 의지 32, 크리티컬저항 13 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','36','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">나이트호크 라이트팬츠
(중갑) |
70 |
552 |
이비 아리샤 |
민첩 29, 지능 140, 의지 36, 크리티컬저항 13 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','31','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">나이트호크 팬츠
(플레이트) |
70 |
851 |
피오나 벨라 린 |
힘 117, 민첩 27, 의지 36, 크리티컬저항 13 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','26','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">나이트호크 헤비팬츠
(플레이트) |
70 |
851 |
리시타 카록 카이 허크 |
힘 117, 민첩 27, 의지 36, 크리티컬저항 13 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2588','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP)여왕의 라고데사 슬레이어 팬츠
(중갑) |
70 |
432 |
피오나 리시타 카록 카이 벨라 허크 린 |
PvP방어력 647, 힘 68, 민첩 29, 의지 24, 크리티컬저항 14 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2593','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP)성곽의 스파이더로드 팬츠
(중갑) |
65 |
377 |
피오나 리시타 카록 카이 벨라 허크 린 |
PvP방어력 565, 힘 66, 민첩 26, 의지 23, 크리티컬저항 12 |