아이템 정보
검색 : 28개 |
아이콘 |
이름 |
레벨 |
방어력 |
캐릭터 |
옵션 |
비고 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2843','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">경계의 수호자 라이트부츠
90 |
0 |
피오나 이비 벨라 린 아리샤 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','66','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">블랙펄 부츠
80 |
986 |
피오나 이비 벨라 린 아리샤 |
힘 113, 민첩 67, 지능 13, 의지 54, 크리티컬저항 13 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','1348','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">마제스트 레더 부츠
70 |
614 |
피오나 벨라 린 |
힘 105, 민첩 17, 의지 25, 크리티컬저항 7 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','578','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">챔피언 레더 부츠
70 |
475 |
피오나 벨라 린 |
힘 108, 민첩 37, 의지 32, 크리티컬저항 8, 스테미나 4 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','420','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">미드나잇 웨딩 슈즈
60 |
311 |
피오나 이비 벨라 린 아리샤 |
힘 10, 민첩 12, 지능 106, 의지 23, 크리티컬저항 9 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','290','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">프로스트하트 헌터부츠
60 |
333 |
피오나 리시타 이비 카이 벨라 린 아리샤 |
힘 90, 민첩 21, 의지 15, 크리티컬저항 9 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','261','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">레이더스 부츠
60 |
300 |
전체 |
힘 112, 민첩 21, 의지 13, 크리티컬저항 10 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','256','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">가벼워진 잉켈스 부츠
60 |
348 |
피오나 이비 벨라 린 아리샤 |
힘 7, 민첩 25, 지능 108, 의지 27, 크리티컬저항 15 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','215','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">타락천사 부츠
60 |
250 |
피오나 이비 벨라 린 아리샤 |
힘 7, 민첩 22, 지능 108, 의지 28, 크리티컬저항 7, 스테미나 4 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2600','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP)주교의 붉은 폭군 장화
60 |
198 |
피오나 리시타 카록 카이 벨라 허크 린 |
PvP방어력 297, 힘 39, 민첩 12, 의지 13, 크리티컬저항 10 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','339','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">최고급 카크리쉬 부츠
57 |
377 |
피오나 리시타 이비 카이 벨라 린 아리샤 |
힘 95, 민첩 20, 의지 24, 크리티컬저항 9 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','329','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">레이븐 부츠
53 |
342 |
피오나 리시타 이비 카이 벨라 린 아리샤 |
힘 66, 민첩 18, 의지 22, 크리티컬저항 6 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2605','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP)기사의 새비지 레더부츠
50 |
154 |
피오나 리시타 카록 카이 벨라 허크 린 |
PvP방어력 232, 힘 32, 민첩 6, 의지 12, 크리티컬저항 8 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2004','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">최고급 나이트메어 장화
44 |
380 |
피오나 리시타 카록 카이 벨라 허크 린 |
힘 25, 민첩 18, 의지 11, 크리티컬저항 6 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2148','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">바이킹 라이트부츠
42 |
318 |
피오나 이비 벨라 린 아리샤 |
힘 13, 민첩 20, 지능 20, 의지 5, 크리티컬저항 5 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2610','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">(PvP)병사의 크림슨레이지 부츠
40 |
121 |
피오나 리시타 카록 카이 벨라 허크 린 |
PvP방어력 182, 힘 25, 민첩 4, 크리티컬저항 6 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2052','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">탐험가 소프트부츠
35 |
331 |
피오나 이비 벨라 린 아리샤 |
힘 24, 민첩 10, 의지 5, 크리티컬저항 5 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2163','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">최고급 워엣지 배틀부츠
34 |
317 |
전체 |
힘 21, 민첩 15, 의지 9, 크리티컬저항 5 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2173','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">비스트 라이트부츠
25 |
213 |
피오나 이비 벨라 린 아리샤 |
힘 20, 지능 25 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2183','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">샤프슈터 레더아머 부츠
20 |
230 |
전체 |
힘 15, 민첩 30, 지능 15, 의지 7, 크리티컬저항 5 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2178','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">최고급 새비지 레더부츠
20 |
203 |
전체 |
힘 16, 민첩 34, 크리티컬저항 4 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2131','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">리인포스 부츠
16 |
179 |
전체 |
힘 12, 민첩 7, 지능 16, 의지 8, 크리티컬저항 3 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2188','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">스터디드 레더부츠
12 |
152 |
피오나 리시타 이비 카이 벨라 린 아리샤 |
힘 10, 민첩 6, 지능 14, 의지 7, 크리티컬저항 3 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2193','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">최고급 크림슨레이지 부츠
10 |
115 |
전체 |
힘 11, 민첩 5, 의지 2, 크리티컬저항 1, 생명력 27 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2198','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">윈드크러스트 부츠
8 |
82 |
전체 |
민첩 2, 지능 15, 의지 1, 크리티컬저항 3 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2208','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">코볼트 윈터부츠
6 |
93 |
전체 |
힘 7, 민첩 15, 크리티컬저항 2 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2203','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">라이트 배틀부츠
6 |
81 |
피오나 리시타 이비 카이 벨라 린 아리샤 |
힘 8, 민첩 4, 의지 1, 크리티컬저항 1 |
Warning: Missing argument 3 for layerItem(), called in /home1/naheroes/public_html/heroes/game/item.php on line 445 and defined in /home1/naheroes/public_html/lib/heroes/function.lib.php on line 88
onMouseover="layerItem('',event,'item','2073','')"; onMouseout="layerItem('close');">서큐버스 롱부츠 (이벤트)
1 |
100 |
피오나 이비 벨라 린 아리샤 |